Old Recruitment Poster
Original Tangerines Poster
Old Orientation Poster
An Old Advertisement for KGB
Who are we?
We are a new organization on campus and we plan to attempt the following:
- Carnival booth (We've got an Art major working on it; we can't lose.)
- Buggy (We're a bunch of engineering geeks; we can't lose.)
- IM teams (We're a bunch of engineering geeks; we're gonna lose, but so what?)
- Parties (You really need an explanation?)
- Proving that time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana (The list was too short without this.)
and many, many more interesting things..... (We don't know what they are yet, but we'll think of something eventually)
What do our initials stand for?
We already told you we'll think of something eventually. [footnote: we never got around to it.]
Who can join?
Anyone with $10 and a body temperature of more than 50 degrees Fahrenheit (and for another $10 we'll waive that last requirement).
Where do we meet?
Every Monday at 5:00 in the Doherty Apartments D-Tower Lounge (basement of D-Tower). [footnote: nowadays it's every Monday at 4:30 PM in Margaret Morrison A14.]
Why do we meet?
You have a better idea?
For further information: come to our meetings, read the assocs.kgb bboard on Andrew, or send mail to
[obsolete addresses deleted out of mercy.]
(The preceding advertisement was partially paid for by KGB.)
Current top banner: "Do not tap on glass" (credit: Mym Johnson) Reload for a new one.
Copyright © The Carnegie Mellon KGB.
Top banner and other media copyright © their respective owners.