
Exec are the folks that run the weekly meetings. More importantly, they handle the serious business of the KGB as an organization and organize events!

Exec Positions: What does Exec actually do?

Exec has real world responsibilities. No, really. We actually do. With our powers combined, we organize events, buy food, appoint booth chairs, and more! More specifically, though, here’s what each Exec member is responsible for.


The President of the KGB is the Head Honcho. They run the general body meetings, presides over the Exec meetings, delegates tasks to other members of Exec, and is basically in charge of running the show.

1st Vice President (1veep)

The 1st Vice President, or 1veep, of the KGB is in charge of recruitment and new-folks relations; it’s their job to welcome any newcomers to the meetings and to help think of new ways to get new members.

2nd Vice President (2veep)

The 2nd Vice President, or 2veep, of the KGB is the logistics coordinator for events. They reserve the rooms, procures food and other supplies, and informs the general body of the week’s event.

Corresponding Secretary (Corsec)

The Corresponding Secretary, or Corsec, of the KGB is responsible for communication within and outside of the KGB. They are in charge of writing Pravda?, maintaining the website, sending out emails, reserving non-event rooms, and getting keys.

Recording Secretary (Recsec)

The Recording Secretary, or Recsec, of the KGB is charged with taking the minutes for the KGB general body meeting and the Exec meeting as well as maintaining the Wiki.


The Treasurer of the KGB is in charge of the KGB’s money. They keep track of and distributes funds for events, booth, and other real-world monetary concerns.

Sergeant at Arms (S@A)

The Sergeant at Arms, or S@A, of the KGB is the person that takes care of assorted KGB related tasks; the S@A may be in charge of the website, ordering t-shirts, and/or various heavy-lifting tasks depending on the current Exec workload.

Still confused?

Exec members are (usually) more than happy to answer any questions that you might have. If it’s nearing Election Season (oh god) and you’d like to learn more about a position you’d like to run for, just ask the current officeholder.

Exec Bios

To learn about our officers old and new, explore below:

Officers 2024-2025 (Current Exec)

Officers 2023-2024

Officers 2022-2023

Officers 2021-2022

Officers 2020-2021

Officers 2019-2020

Officers 2018-2019

Officers 2017-2018

Officers 2016-2017

Officers 2015-2016

Officers 2014-2015

Ancient History